Huertgen Forest
Huertgen Forest - Huertgenwald Volker Lossner Contact Volker Highly Recommended ! [...]
Huertgen Forest - Huertgenwald Volker Lossner Contact Volker Highly Recommended ! [...]
The Real Burger King by Reg Jans Thanks, Sir, for inspiring us. Fifty three years after the war, WWII veteran receives an unexpected phone call. [...]
In WW2, Peter Rupp Saved 14 American Soldiers from Certain Death at the Hands of the Nazis
The GI Who Hurled His Rifle To The Germans by Reg Jans First Lieutenant Werner J Meier, from IPW (Interrogation of Prisoners of War Team) was probably the most respected [...]
Mardasson by Reg Jans ‘LIBERATORIBUS AMERICANIS POPULUS BELGICUS MEMOR IV VII MCMXLVI’, engraved on a marble marker in the atrium of the monument demonstrates the [...]
Abandoned Rear by Reg Jans Recognized for his bravery, leadership and tactical skills ‘Old Blood ‘n Guts’ has secured a well-earned place in the annals of WWII History. In 1944 [...]
In the Footsteps of the Band of Brothers Inspired by Dr. Stephen Ambrose’s bestselling book and the successful HBO series Band of Brothers, many people have travelled the world following the footsteps of [...]
Lectures - Lezingen Lectures often tend to get boring quickly. Not this time. Using his knowledge and with a good sense of humor, Reg brings history alive. He [...]
Het Ardennen Offensief Info and Bookings Lezing-Voorstelling Duur: 100 min (2x 50 min) Publiek: 16+, Iedereen [...]